Saturday, November 27, 2010

Future of Man

From times immemorial man has longed for the golden age - an age when peace shall reign on earth and contentment dwell in the soul, an age when strife shall cease and culminate in a blossoming of prosperity, learning and art.
Standing on the threshold of the twenty-first century when we survey our world, we are shocked to see what man has made of man. We are terrified by forces which threaten not only man's capacity for self-expression and communal living but the very survival of the species.

Millions of men all over the world are today locked in a battle for survival. Faced by poverty, squalor and even hunger, they are doing their best to keep body and soul together. One estimate shows that some forty thousand people die every day from starvation alone. Then there is the widespread problem of malnutrition which saps the mental and physical health of hundreds of millions more and robs them of a sense of decency and the desire to improve themselves.

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