Thursday, November 25, 2010


One of the most dangerous things which has already the lives of millions of young men all over the world is narcotics. The word narcotics is used for a number of drugs, which it is presumed, make people feel better, albeit temporarily, whereas the reality is quite the reverse. The naked fact is that these drugs, unless, of course, they are taken under a qualified doctor's advice and care, are extremely harmful. That is why almost all governments have declared them illegal. Narcotics are habit forming and one who uses them is known as an addict. He becomes so much dependent on the drug that he will not desist from committing a crime , even a felony, if he cannot get it otherwise.

Narcotics have been given different names in different countries indeed a whole new vocabulary has sprung up, especially in America. The more popular names, which are used for them are "dope" and "drugs". Strictly speaking a narcotics is a drug that produces narcotics a state of numbness, "in which a person loses most or all of his power of feeling and may lose consciousness." He falls into such a deep sleep that he cannot be awakened unless the effects of the drug have evaporated. But there are certain other drugs, they produce quite the contrary effect. A person who uses them cannot sleep, he becomes "more wide awake than ever." These drugs are also called narcotics.

The narcotics pose a big problem for the society. They are now considered an illness. Almost like every other illness, they are curable Arrangements for their treatment have been made in many hospitals of the world. Their victims can be cured in four to six months and they can again lead a normal life provided they keep themselves away from these dangerous drugs.

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