Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Advertising

Advertising has become an integral and essential part of modern society. Whether it is fertilizer for the farmer or a detergent for the urbanity, the message of the advertiser, in one form or another, reaches the consumer in the remotest regions of the country-nay, of the world. Without advertising we should not know the range of products available in any field, to buy or not as we choose. Far from being "an evil thing", the fact that it makes 'notification of choice' freely available ensures a claim that advertising is a cornerstone of any free society.

Advertising is ubiquitous. Until the coming of print the town-crier was the main purveyor of ads to spread tiding of wares, wars, disasters, auctions and wrestling bouts. Even today we come across those relics of a bygone age proclaiming their message to the beat of a drum. So deep and essential is the root-urge to advertise that the first Press advertisements appeared as soon as there were newspapers to print them in.

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