Thursday, December 2, 2010

The United Nations

During the last two hundred years or so the world has seen a rapid increase in the spirit of internationalism. Though the national outlook has not wanted much, but it is gradually being qualified by international outlook. The fast means of transport and communication, radio, television, books, magazines and newspapers, have all helped in creating and sustaining this outlook.

Also, the large-scale devastation caused by the continental and World Wars has made man yearn for peace and helped him to grow out of narrow national grooves. This international outlook and desire for peace expressed themselves in the formation of international peace sustaining organizations. The Congress of Vienna grew out of the Napoleonic wars,the league of nations from the havoc of the World War 1 and the United Nations out of ruins of World War 2.

The United Nations has its headquarters in New York City. It is the direct descendant of the league of Nations and resulted from the deliberations between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at Dumbarton Oaks, an estate near Washington D.C. It was formally set up in a Conference of fifty countries at San Francesco in 1945 and it began to operate in January, 1946.

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