Thursday, December 2, 2010

Honesty and Truth

Honesty is the quality of being fair and upright, the practice of adhering to the truth in thought, word and deed. it is thus a quality of character, a virtue, a matter of practice, a habit. When we are fair in our dealings, true to our words, truthful in our expression and just in our actions, we are described as honest. Honesty has always been recognized as one of the basic virtues - one of the pillars on which the structure of human society must rest for without it mutual trust is impossible.

When we think rightly, follow moral commands, obey the voice of conscience, rive at correct judgments and reflect impartially, we are honest in our thought. What we say and what we do depends on what we think. If our thinking is crooked and premises are false, they will, inevitably, lead to faulty and distorted views. If modern civilization finds itself on the brink of a precipice, the causes are not far to seek. We refuse to reveal or acknowledgment our true intentions. Selfish motives and calculated greed shape our ideas and become the main cause of our discontentment. If we are honest in our thinking in all walks of life the world would be a much happier place to live in.

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