Friday, November 4, 2011


AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is the name of a deadly disease that destroys the immunity system of a person and leads him to sure death. The virus causing AIDS is known as HIV -- Human Immune Deficiency Virus. AIDS became a clinic disease in 1981 in USA. There are nearly five million AIDS patients throughout the world. It is still an incurable disease. Hectic efforts to find a remedy for it are afoot. Without proper blood tests, it is difficult to diagnose it because its symptoms are confused with weight loss, night sweats, profound fatigue, anemia, skin rashes, tumor, episodes of fever, pneumonia, etc. This deadly disease is spreading like a bush-fire throughout the world particularly in those countries where free sex is common. Pakistan is also not free from AIDS. The official count of AIDS patient in Pakistan lies at 5000 and an estimated twenty to thirty thousand. Unless checked on war-footing, the situation will become even worse.

Many factors contribute to AIDS First, it is the result of sexual intercourse with the affected person male or female, Secondly, sharing of contaminated and affected needles, razors and other such affected mothers may pass the virus on to their babies. Besides, prostitution, homo-sexuality, extra-martial relations, pollution of mind, detachment from religion and morality, etc contribute to AIDS. No doubt, AIDS is the curse of God on the modern derailed humanity that has crossed all limits of morality.

AIDS is full of harms and disadvantages. First of all, it destroys a person physically and mentally and ultimately leads him to miserable death within two years. Second, it brings about the loss of the social prestige of a person. Its patient is considered sinful, immoral, pious, unfaithful, unwanted, leper, mean, etc. Third, its treatment costs a lot of money consequently putting a heavy financial burden on the family. Fourth, it can destroy the infrastructure if the country if its skilled and semi-skilled about force falls a prey to AIDS. Fifth, AIDS can affect the cultural development, tourism industry and international image and relations of an affected country. The other countries may boycott such a country resulting in great economic and financial loss to the country. Above all, the fear of catching AIDS at random has deprived the people of mental peace.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


In simple terms, terrorism means the use of force or threat against a person or group or country. It is the burning question of today as there is a global wave around. Terrorists of all races and creeds are active individually or collectively, locally or globally in selling death, destruction, horror, harassment and insecurity. Though global war against terrorism has been afoot since the destruction of American World Trade Center on September 11 2001, the monster of terrorism is still very much there.

Almost all agree that widespread terrorism is all due to unjust global political and economic systems, poverty, frustration, injustice, cruelty, exploitation, sectarianism, religious militancy, state-sponsored terrorism, double standard of super-powers, paralyzed UNO, and trouble spots like Kashmir countries in their own way and, hence, resort to terrorism. Unless the above-mentioned causes are removed, terrorism cannot be rooted out. To blame a certain group pr to make some country scape-goat in the name of ending terrorism is only a wild goose chase. Is America not doing the same? Hence better sense must prevail to combat and remove terrorism effectively. Honest and impartial approach of big powers, equitable global systems, distinction between freedom movements and terrorism solution of trouble spots, end of exploration, poverty and injustice, effective and impartial UNO and the policy of live and let live are the keys to end global terrorism.

Unfortunately, American and European print and electronic media have launched poisonous propaganda against Islam and the Muslim World. The Muslims are being branded extremists fundamentalists, fanatics and dangerous for world peace. The so-called war against terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Occupied Kashmir, Palestine and Chechnya is being hands in this regard? These question call for knowing the true significance of Jihad and real responsibility of the so-called Jihadis.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Over the last decade or so, poverty in Pakistan has increased manifold. More than half of its population, which till 1989-90 was living at least a moderate life, if not prosperous, is now living in extremely poor condition,  hardly able to have access even to basic necessities of life. And large chunk of the remaining half is on the brink of poverty. They could fall into poverty any time as their strength to stand against financial and economic pressure is fast depleting.

This wide spread poverty is attributed to the economic decline and the financial prescribed structural adjustments and economic revival program have thrown the nation into the poverty quagmire. Then, ever increasing prices of daily commodities, high inflation rate and devaluation of the currency are making it harder and harder for a poor common man to keep his body and soul together. Inflating bills of electricity, gas and telephone are worrying the people further. Again, socioeconomic inequalities let the benefits instead of trickling down to the poor trickling up to the rich.

"The pleasures of the rich are bought with the tears of the poor."
                                                                       (Thomas Fuller)

Though certain poverty alleviation schemes are afoot, they are to a great extent, cosmetic in nature. The Food support program is estimated to benefit 1.26 million people providing Rs.1984 in a year(Total amount marked is Rs. 2.5 billion)to each person. It tantamount to "A giant will starve on what surfeits a drawl." This does not make any difference, besides the culture of corruption, heavy taxes, unemployment, underemployment, wrong governmental policies, slow socioeconomic progress, debt-servicing, low investment, high imports and low exports, etc, have contributed much in increasing poverty level in the country.

Poverty has strained the social fabric of the society. Standard of living of the people is falling down rapidly. Being unable to the lift the heavy burden of life on their financially weak shoulders, more and more people are committing suicide. Poverty is also taking the heavy toll of their health and morality. More and more poverty-stricken people indulging in crimes and social evils. Beggary and prostitution are on the rise. The serve is the case with corruption, bribery, thefts and dacoities. Besides, poverty has deprived the people of mental peace as well as of comforts of life.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Kalabagh Dam

Kalabagh dam located area
Having remained in the cold storage for so many years. Kalabagh Dam is once again in the limelight. It has become crystal clear to all and sundry that the construction of this mega project is inevitable not only for the progress and prosperity but also for the future water requirements of Pakistan. As this project has always met severe criticism, no government could initiate its construction although all the feasible reports and surveys okay ed this project. The present government with its vow to construct Kalabagh and Bhasha dams all costs, has seemingly opened a new Pandora's box. Let us wait and see which way the wind

The proposed site for Kalabagh is 15 miles above Kalabagh city on the Indus river, with the reservoir in the NWFP and the dam in the Punjab. It would be 11,000 feet long and 260 feet above river bed. Its storage capacity would be 6.1 million acre feet. The total land consumed would be 35000 acres. Punjab sharing 27500 and NWFP 7500 acres respectively.

The need for mega dams like Kalabagh and Bhasha has increased all the more as per future water requirements of Pakistan. First, out of the 140 MAF water flowing annually in the river Indus, only 107 MAF is consumed for irrigation while the rest (33 MAF) goes to drain. By harnessing this water, we can not only generate abundant electricity but also meet our water demands during dry season. Second, the present reservoirs like Terbela, Mangla and war sake are constantly losing their capacity, strength and age due to desalting and unusual wear and tear. Hence, we need new mega dams. Third the small dams are cost effective, short-lived and flood-prone while mega dams like Kalabagh are low cost-effective, long lasting and flood proof.

 Diamer Bhasha dam

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cable Network

As a source if communication, Cable system is comparatively a new entrant in Pakistan. But in a very short time, it has left behind all traditional systems of communication like newspaper, radio and television. Now more and more people are using cable system. Basically, cable system works like a mini T.V station. It receives program  from different satellites and redistributes them among its subscribers through a cable. The subscriber, thus, has an access to a large number of T.V program telecast from the four corners of the world.

Cable system has taken the whole of Pakistan by storm. There are many cable service station in every city of the country. More and more people are installing this system. However, mixed reaction is shown about its use. Religious minded people call it a means of obscenity and immorality. They want to put an end to it at the earliest. On the other hand, people with modern bent of mind welcome and admire it as a source of vast information and entertainment.

There are many advantages of cable system. First, it is , no doubt, a source of vast information and entertainment. Secondly, it helps in getting impartial and correct news in a country where media are often under the thumb of the government. Thirdly, it introduces a person to the ways of living, religions, traditions, politics, economy, etc. of different parts of the world. This can bring about a number of positive changes in his mode of living and thinking. Fourthly, it is paving the way for global village and universal brotherhood by bringing the nations and countries closer to one another. Fifth,barring absence program, entertaining and informative program have their own charm and benefit for a person. Above all, it is promoting and expanding travel, trade, commerce and industry throughout the world.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


In the fast growing world of communication, internet is comparatively a new entrant but it has brought about a great revolution in the field if communication. In a very short span of time, it has linked together the whole world. In simple terms, internet means the connection of a large number of computers with one another. Now, through internet, almost all the computers of the world are interconnected with one another. Seen in this context, internet has transformed the world into a global village in real terms.

Internet is replete with countless advantages. It has made poosible man's access to countless websites, informative programmes, scientific discoveries, global, political, social, economic and cultural developments, world events and happenings, great libraries, treasures of knowledage, vast informationand entertainment and much more. Then, internet is proving a low-cost source of chatting, communication and scholars; a doctor can learn about advancement in medicines and surgery; an adventure can explore the remote corners of the world, a job-seeker can observe job-advertisements and an ambitious person can find his lifepartner also.

unfortunately, the wrong and corrupt use of internet has also made it a great curse and nuisance. Many people use internet for vulgar chatting, nude films and immoral programmes, there is a mushroom growth of Net-Cafes and computer-centers where in spacially designed private cabines alongwith young boys and girls, alderly people and small children too are seen busy in doing vulgar chatting and watching immoral programmes. This thing not only destroys their moral character but also wastes most of their precious time. Moreover, it is playing havoc with all our religion, social, moraland cultural values. Then, internet is used to spread disinformation rumors sensational news, poisonous propaganda and computer virus. All this causes
a large-scale harm. As internet has confined the to four-walls, healthful activities like sports, games, social gathering, cultural activities, sharing of feelings, etc are vanishing away rapidly.