Thursday, October 27, 2011


Over the last decade or so, poverty in Pakistan has increased manifold. More than half of its population, which till 1989-90 was living at least a moderate life, if not prosperous, is now living in extremely poor condition,  hardly able to have access even to basic necessities of life. And large chunk of the remaining half is on the brink of poverty. They could fall into poverty any time as their strength to stand against financial and economic pressure is fast depleting.

This wide spread poverty is attributed to the economic decline and the financial prescribed structural adjustments and economic revival program have thrown the nation into the poverty quagmire. Then, ever increasing prices of daily commodities, high inflation rate and devaluation of the currency are making it harder and harder for a poor common man to keep his body and soul together. Inflating bills of electricity, gas and telephone are worrying the people further. Again, socioeconomic inequalities let the benefits instead of trickling down to the poor trickling up to the rich.

"The pleasures of the rich are bought with the tears of the poor."
                                                                       (Thomas Fuller)

Though certain poverty alleviation schemes are afoot, they are to a great extent, cosmetic in nature. The Food support program is estimated to benefit 1.26 million people providing Rs.1984 in a year(Total amount marked is Rs. 2.5 billion)to each person. It tantamount to "A giant will starve on what surfeits a drawl." This does not make any difference, besides the culture of corruption, heavy taxes, unemployment, underemployment, wrong governmental policies, slow socioeconomic progress, debt-servicing, low investment, high imports and low exports, etc, have contributed much in increasing poverty level in the country.

Poverty has strained the social fabric of the society. Standard of living of the people is falling down rapidly. Being unable to the lift the heavy burden of life on their financially weak shoulders, more and more people are committing suicide. Poverty is also taking the heavy toll of their health and morality. More and more poverty-stricken people indulging in crimes and social evils. Beggary and prostitution are on the rise. The serve is the case with corruption, bribery, thefts and dacoities. Besides, poverty has deprived the people of mental peace as well as of comforts of life.

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