Friday, October 21, 2011

Kalabagh Dam

Kalabagh dam located area
Having remained in the cold storage for so many years. Kalabagh Dam is once again in the limelight. It has become crystal clear to all and sundry that the construction of this mega project is inevitable not only for the progress and prosperity but also for the future water requirements of Pakistan. As this project has always met severe criticism, no government could initiate its construction although all the feasible reports and surveys okay ed this project. The present government with its vow to construct Kalabagh and Bhasha dams all costs, has seemingly opened a new Pandora's box. Let us wait and see which way the wind

The proposed site for Kalabagh is 15 miles above Kalabagh city on the Indus river, with the reservoir in the NWFP and the dam in the Punjab. It would be 11,000 feet long and 260 feet above river bed. Its storage capacity would be 6.1 million acre feet. The total land consumed would be 35000 acres. Punjab sharing 27500 and NWFP 7500 acres respectively.

The need for mega dams like Kalabagh and Bhasha has increased all the more as per future water requirements of Pakistan. First, out of the 140 MAF water flowing annually in the river Indus, only 107 MAF is consumed for irrigation while the rest (33 MAF) goes to drain. By harnessing this water, we can not only generate abundant electricity but also meet our water demands during dry season. Second, the present reservoirs like Terbela, Mangla and war sake are constantly losing their capacity, strength and age due to desalting and unusual wear and tear. Hence, we need new mega dams. Third the small dams are cost effective, short-lived and flood-prone while mega dams like Kalabagh are low cost-effective, long lasting and flood proof.

 Diamer Bhasha dam

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