Friday, November 4, 2011


AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is the name of a deadly disease that destroys the immunity system of a person and leads him to sure death. The virus causing AIDS is known as HIV -- Human Immune Deficiency Virus. AIDS became a clinic disease in 1981 in USA. There are nearly five million AIDS patients throughout the world. It is still an incurable disease. Hectic efforts to find a remedy for it are afoot. Without proper blood tests, it is difficult to diagnose it because its symptoms are confused with weight loss, night sweats, profound fatigue, anemia, skin rashes, tumor, episodes of fever, pneumonia, etc. This deadly disease is spreading like a bush-fire throughout the world particularly in those countries where free sex is common. Pakistan is also not free from AIDS. The official count of AIDS patient in Pakistan lies at 5000 and an estimated twenty to thirty thousand. Unless checked on war-footing, the situation will become even worse.

Many factors contribute to AIDS First, it is the result of sexual intercourse with the affected person male or female, Secondly, sharing of contaminated and affected needles, razors and other such affected mothers may pass the virus on to their babies. Besides, prostitution, homo-sexuality, extra-martial relations, pollution of mind, detachment from religion and morality, etc contribute to AIDS. No doubt, AIDS is the curse of God on the modern derailed humanity that has crossed all limits of morality.

AIDS is full of harms and disadvantages. First of all, it destroys a person physically and mentally and ultimately leads him to miserable death within two years. Second, it brings about the loss of the social prestige of a person. Its patient is considered sinful, immoral, pious, unfaithful, unwanted, leper, mean, etc. Third, its treatment costs a lot of money consequently putting a heavy financial burden on the family. Fourth, it can destroy the infrastructure if the country if its skilled and semi-skilled about force falls a prey to AIDS. Fifth, AIDS can affect the cultural development, tourism industry and international image and relations of an affected country. The other countries may boycott such a country resulting in great economic and financial loss to the country. Above all, the fear of catching AIDS at random has deprived the people of mental peace.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


In simple terms, terrorism means the use of force or threat against a person or group or country. It is the burning question of today as there is a global wave around. Terrorists of all races and creeds are active individually or collectively, locally or globally in selling death, destruction, horror, harassment and insecurity. Though global war against terrorism has been afoot since the destruction of American World Trade Center on September 11 2001, the monster of terrorism is still very much there.

Almost all agree that widespread terrorism is all due to unjust global political and economic systems, poverty, frustration, injustice, cruelty, exploitation, sectarianism, religious militancy, state-sponsored terrorism, double standard of super-powers, paralyzed UNO, and trouble spots like Kashmir countries in their own way and, hence, resort to terrorism. Unless the above-mentioned causes are removed, terrorism cannot be rooted out. To blame a certain group pr to make some country scape-goat in the name of ending terrorism is only a wild goose chase. Is America not doing the same? Hence better sense must prevail to combat and remove terrorism effectively. Honest and impartial approach of big powers, equitable global systems, distinction between freedom movements and terrorism solution of trouble spots, end of exploration, poverty and injustice, effective and impartial UNO and the policy of live and let live are the keys to end global terrorism.

Unfortunately, American and European print and electronic media have launched poisonous propaganda against Islam and the Muslim World. The Muslims are being branded extremists fundamentalists, fanatics and dangerous for world peace. The so-called war against terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Occupied Kashmir, Palestine and Chechnya is being hands in this regard? These question call for knowing the true significance of Jihad and real responsibility of the so-called Jihadis.